Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Weekend Past

We were in Batawa, Ontario on Friday night singing for a YFC fundraiser. We like the folk there - Pat & Dan Koets are very helpful and encouraging. We like Colin Leaver as well, the worker for the area; he has a high Q factor and is obviously passionate about the evangelism of youth. They also had some terrifically honest and real kids giving testimony (the highlight for sure) and their take on what it means to be a youth in today's culture (my favourite line - "we're into gruesome"!)
One question that always emerges for me at events like these is around the word 'challenge'. It was the theme of the night: challenging youth to become all that they can be, challenging supporters to get on board with the ministry. There's room for that word, but, I didn't hear the word invitation all night! Is the gospel more about challenge or invitation? Is it outcome based or presence based? I for one lean to presence that engages and invites. Challenge is too easily co-opted into judgment and condemnation; and we have more of that than we need! Bless these folk on their journey in Christ.

We then ended up in Peterborough on Saturday for a workshop on Sabbath for the Lindsay-Peterborough Presbytery. It was amazing to see how JP Smit and I were in the same zone on our presentations (without previous discussion). The folk were very open and receptive, and joined in heartily in worship. Best moment was in the closing worship, when I told the old 'Anointing with oil/Burning through' story from St. David's. Carey Johnston from Bobcaygeon in a Spirit led moment came up and gave me some oil she had with her, and I invited people to linger for prayer if they felt the need to be anointed. We had two people stay whom we laid hands on and prayed for - it was very cool.

We then drove over to the home of Bert and Tracey-Ann Van Brenk for a house concert. What a great home! Doug and Michelle Fisher graciously arranged this at fairly short notice, and we were grateful to them for getting about twenty people there. Everyone seemed to enjoy the music and stories, as well as the wine and cheese! We are so amazed at the community of friends out there who believe in what MFR is about, and who help us in keeping the ship afloat - God is good.
Finally got into bed in Rockwood by 2:15 AM after fighting traffic through the top of Toronto because of lane closures at 1 PM. Aaargh!!

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Monday, October 29, 2007

Something Jean Vanier Said

In his marvellous reflection on John's gospel, Jean Vanier suggests that the healthy and mature community will be one ( I paraphrase) where no one deems themselves as unworthy of God's love nor deems the other as unworthy of God's love. Clearly the barrier to true community is the disease of self-hatred which then distorts our view of the other. If only our churches could learn this truth and be credible witnesses to it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I have had the great privilege of co-writing with Steve Bell and Jacob Moon in the last few months, with some very satisfying results. You can hear the song that Steve and I wrote which is called 'These are the Ones' at the SignpostVillage theatre here.
Jacob and I wrote the title track for his new Christmas album called 'This Christmas'. It won't be released for a little while yet, but I'm pleased as to how it turned out; I also contributed some background vocals to it. I enjoy the process of writing with someone else. You wrestle over words and melodies, but, in the end the process can really work. It always helps to have some objectivity! Look for these tunes on future Signpost releases.

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